Legends of Osumi Valley

It is precisely the strange beauty and interesting shape of this valley that made it possible to create legends about it. Many of these legends have been preserved to this day. 

The legend of the “Hole of the Bride.”

The legend recounts the story of a bride who was being forced to marry against her will, adhering to old customs. During the journey back to the groom’s village after the wedding, the unhappy bride confided her feelings, but nobody paid heed to her distress.

Determined to escape, she turned to the rock in the canyon and prayed for its help. Addressing the rock, she pleaded: “Open up and save me from this embarrassment.” Miraculously, the rock responded and revealed a crevice. The bride leapt off her horse and took refuge in the opening, never returning to her former life.

The crevice soon became a site of pilgrimage for childless brides seeking divine assistance.

The legend of Saint Abaz Ali

The legend is about the unique formations that have been created by the erosion of limestone in the water. These formations resemble the shape of a horse’s and bat’s footprints and are located close to the village of Dores, just 5 km away from Çorovoda town.

According to the legend, these footprints belong to Saint Abaz Ali, who traveled from Karbala to Tomor on his white horse.

As he flew, his horse left imprints on the Kajca plank before he disappeared into Mount Tomor. Today, followers of the Bektashi order visit these footprints seeking spiritual guidance from Saint Abaz Ali.

The Osumi Canyon is a hidden gem of Albanian nature, located near the town of Çorovoda and visible after crossing the town. Though not well-known, this canyon offers breathtaking views and untouched landscapes, waiting to be explored by visitors from around the world.