Skanderbeg square

It covers an area of 40,000 square meters in the center of Tirana after the national hero George Kastriot. In 1968, to commemorate the 500th anniversary of his death, an eleven-meter-high equestrian statue was settled up on the south side of the square.

 Skenderbeg Square is of special interest as other state-run cultural attractions such as the Et’hem Bey Mosque, The Clock Tower, The National Library, the National Museum, The National Opera and Ballet Theatre, and the Ministries.

Now the square is paved with multicolored tiles from different parts of the country. There are about 100 fountains, and behind the Skenderbeg monument there is a 30 square meter green area..


Skenderbeg Square won the “Best Public Space” award for 2018 in a competition in Barcelona involving 280 projects judged by an international jury.