The Old Bazaar

 Makes up the centre of the Old Town. The history of Bazaar dates back in 17th century. The sources says that a destroying fire impacted the old bazaar in the 19th century.

The architecture of this Bazaar has something similar with the Korca Bazaar, for which the historians think they have been built in the same period (1879) and both restored from a fire. The difference is that it was adapted to the sloping terrain of Gjirokastra and here stands the beauty of this bazaar.

What we have today is preserved in the best way possible. The radial shape is very interesting if you see from above, linking it with many streets in the old city. Now there are still some artisans, working in old way, and people are trying to pass the craft work to new generation. You can buy in this bazaar many souvenirs, t-shirts, handicrafts, curtains, carpet, and plenty of magnets representing different attractions of Gjirokastra region.