Petrelë Castle

One of the tourist locations close to Tirana that attracts a great number of visitors. Its history dates back to Byzantine emperor, Justinian I. It lies on the main road starting from Tirana to Elbasan. Its location, attracts the attention of many visitors. It offers visitors unique views of the valley Erzen, picturesque hills, olive groves and the distant mountains

Mount Dajti

Mount Dajti National Park is considered by the people of Tirana as the Natural Balcony of Tirana. In winter, the mountain is often covered with snow, and it is a popular retreat to the local population of Tirana that rarely sees snow fall. The mountain can be reached through the Dajti Express cable car. Mountain slopes are densely vegetated mostly by sturdy pines and beech trees.

Architecture in Tirana

Tirana is known as the city of colors due to the presence of an increasing number of modern buildings of an artistic nature, including the red stadium building, the Martim Plaza Hotel, Tirana garden Park building, the evergreen building, Tirana Tower that has the map of Albania on the external facade, even the ministries buildings, including the yellow and pink on their facade, and many other colorful buildings. The artistic reason behind this is the Prime Minister, as is an artist.

Tirana Castle

The fortress is the place where the main east–west and north–south roads crossed, and formed the heart of Tirana. About all that is left of the fortress above ground is a 6-metre high Ottoman-era wall, covered in vines.

The recently uncovered wall foundations were incorporated into the pedestrianized Murat Toptani Street. The Castle of Tirana was declared a monument of culture of first category on 1973.

The Mother Albania

 A 12-metre statue located at the National Martyrs Cemetery in the southeast of the city. The statue figuratively represents Albania, as a mother guarding over the eternal slumber of those who gave their lives for her. On the front of the pedestal is the inscription Lavdi e Përjetshme Dëshmorëve të Atdheut (English: Perpetual fame for the martyrs of the fatherland.

Old Bazaar

A neighborhood of the old town of Tirana. The name comes from the groceries marketplace, which is situated in the area, which offers a variety of fresh fruits, vegetables grown locally in the surrounding areas of Tirana, fish and meat. Now it is well-known for its colorful buildings.


The Boulevard

Was planned by -the same architect who designed Mother Tessa Square- the Italian Gherardo Bosio, during the Italian occupation of Albania also in a Rationalist style. The boulevard, includes several administrative buildings and financial buildings. The street was created as part of renovation of the Albanian capital in the 1930s and 1940s.


The Blloku is widely known as an entertainment and shopping destination with its many boutiques, shops, restaurants, trendy bars, pubs and cafes. During the Communist period it was a restricted residential area for the members of the Albanian politburo; ordinary Albanians would not be allowed in. The residence of the Albania’s communist leader Enver Hoxha is still there.