Bunkart 1

The main bunkart in Albania A huge nuclear bunker on the outskirts of Albania’s capital Tirana that was intended as a shelter for dictator Enver Hoxha and the innermost circle of his government. In 2014-2016 the once secret facility was refurbished and opened as a museum and art centre. Meanwhile it has become one of the city’s top tourist attractions.contains more than 100 rooms underground.

The great mosque of Tirana

After the fall of communism in Albania, in 1991, Albanian Muslims often complained about being discriminated and still had no central mosque and had to pray in the streets. In 1992, the government started the construction, it has not finished yet.

The first floor of the mosque will include a cultural center and other facilities. The mosque will have the capacity for up to 4,500 people to pray at one time within the mosque. The financing for the mosque’s construction comes from the main state-run Turkish Muslim organization Diyanet

The Botanical Gardens

A scenic botanical gardens complex located in southern Tirana. It is the only botanical gardens complex in Albania.

The Botanic Garden of Tirana, which is part of the University of Tirana, has become institutionalized with international links with Canadian, Hungarian, Chinese and Romanian gardens. The garden contains around 2,000 species of plants and is maintained by horticultural experts and scientists who also use the gardens for study purposes. The Gardens are part of Botanic Gardens Conservation International.

Pëllumbas cave

A cave in central Albania, located in the Skorana Gorge close to the village of Pëllumbas in Tirana County. It lies about 500 m above the Adriatic, on the slopes of Dajti. The cave is one of among six karstic caves that exist in Europe. The cave has been recognized as a natural monument, its importance is due to the remains of ancient human culture which belongs to the Paleolithic. The cave was inhabited by the extinct cave bear, which lived between 10,000 and 400,000 years ago.

Petrelë Castle

One of the tourist locations close to Tirana that attracts a great number of visitors. Its history dates back to Byzantine emperor, Justinian I. It lies on the main road starting from Tirana to Elbasan. Its location, attracts the attention of many visitors. It offers visitors unique views of the valley Erzen, picturesque hills, olive groves and the distant mountains

Mount Dajti

Mount Dajti National Park is considered by the people of Tirana as the Natural Balcony of Tirana. In winter, the mountain is often covered with snow, and it is a popular retreat to the local population of Tirana that rarely sees snow fall. The mountain can be reached through the Dajti Express cable car. Mountain slopes are densely vegetated mostly by sturdy pines and beech trees.

Architecture in Tirana

Tirana is known as the city of colors due to the presence of an increasing number of modern buildings of an artistic nature, including the red stadium building, the Martim Plaza Hotel, Tirana garden Park building, the evergreen building, Tirana Tower that has the map of Albania on the external facade, even the ministries buildings, including the yellow and pink on their facade, and many other colorful buildings. The artistic reason behind this is the Prime Minister, as is an artist.